Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Melvins First Case

My name is Melvin, I am two years,five months and sixteen days old. I am a robot. In my spare time I detect, play chess with the birds, read Alvins letters and eat cheese. Although it seems as if I have a very splendid life, I don’t. My life is nothing without Alvin.

Alvin was my creator, he created me from scraps of metal, from the rubbish tip across from his house. He worked on me every Saturday in his Dad's garage and as soon as I was up and running, we were best friends. Alvin wasn’t just a friend to me, he was family. We would go to the arcade and play the shooting hoops game, eat mouth watering  sundaes on the pier and make lemonade to sell outside his house.  We were inseparable.

Alvin never took me to school and I never knew why, apparently it is a torture chamber for slaves who need to learn algebra. Alvin often told me about his plans that he had for when he leaves school, he wanted to work for apple and make me a bunch of robot friends. Alvin always thought of others and gave to others, for my first birthday he got me a chess set, even though he spent his whole allowance on it.

Alvin didn’t really have any other friends, he said that everybody else didn’t really get him and he was often considered “weird”. I mean, people gave him weird looks in the supermarket, but that was only because I was with him, and then it hit me. I made him weird.

I felt instantly guilty, Alvin was missing and according to his parents, he might have run away.Tears leaked out of the corner of my eye’s and rolled down my cheeks.  I suddenly snapped back into concentration, Alvin needed to be found.

I searched through my memories, in hope of any hints but all I could think of was the arcade. It was unlikely but I had to check.  

I grabbed my jacket and flung open the door, it was late but if I was quick, I could make it. My feet thumped on the pavement as I raced down the street. My heart raced as the lights of the arcade glowed in the darkness. My smile widened when I saw it was open.

I stepped inside and breathed in the smell of expired chocolate. I glanced around the brightly decorated arcade and headed straight for the shooting hoops game. My breathing quickened when I saw a pink sticky note on the machine.

"It read, Dear Melvin, I am so sorry if have worried you but I was in grave danger and did not have any time to alert you at three in the morning. I will give you only one hint, (because I know you are good at detecting, so you will find this easy), Het eluge urorato. Come find me, Alvin."

 A rock sank deep into my stomach, I was never going to find him but I couldn’t give up,this was just the beginning.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Matahiwi Marae

Today we went to Matahiwi marae with the rest of the year 8's. We went inside the Wharenui, the Wharekai and we learnt about pae pae:history traditions of the marae.  The lesson that I found the most interesting was the history of the tuku tuku panels and the mural art. They talked about how the men went to go duck shooting and didn't come back with anything, to how the coldstores closed down and how it affected everyone.

The tuku tuku panels were made out of some type of plastic and wound into crosses, they had different colours to set the scene/picture. There were also murals/paintings of maui and his brothers fishing and of Cape Kidnappers. The paintings told the story for us, with the different colours, patterens and strokes.

I enjoyed the trip so much and learnt about a different culture.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Nga Mihi #2

Nga Mihi
Tihe mauri ora
Ko te mata te maunga
Ko mersey te awa
Ko Liam toku papa
Ko Andrea toku mama
Ko maungawharau te kura
No te  Liverpool ahau
Ko Jackson ahau
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou

This is my 30th post,Yay!!!

Nga Mihi

Monday, March 27, 2017

Where I am from poem

I am from the scone baking
I am from the M&S shoppers
And from the abba singers
I am from "want a cuppa"
From Liverpool

I am from the trivial pursuit players
I am from the New Years Door
And from the salty sea
I am from "whats the SP and from "Greetings
From Liverpool

I am from crowds of red football supporters
I am from the busy streets
And from the suburban roads
I am from "get the hoover out" and sunday chicken dinner
From Liverpool

Monday, March 13, 2017

Mandarin Lesson

Today we had our second lesson with Tracy. We learnt how to write our names in chinese and how to pronounce them, my name is .....

We made a card with our chinese and english name on it and I chose the colour Lǜsè which is chinese for green.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Rata and the Totara tree

 Rata mother told him to go make a waka out of a magnificent Totara tree. He chopped down the tree.Since the sun was setting he decided to leave the waka carving until morning.The birds and insects were worried that tanemahuta would be angry so they put it back together.Rata came back the next day to find the tree still standing,once again he chopped it down. Rata left because it was sundown and decided to make his waka in the morning.Once again the birds and insects put the tree back up.  When he came back for the third time the tree was still standing. So he chopped it down one more time and hid behind the trees to find out what happens to the mighty totara. The insects and birds started putting it back together and he demanded a explanation and the birds told him that he had forgotten the rules but Tanemahuta let him chop down the tree in the end as long as he didn’t break the rules.

The moral of the story: that we all depend on each other,follow the rules.

Tiakina nga manu, ka ora te ngahere. Ka ora te ngahere, ka ora nga manu.

Look after the birds and the forest flourishes. If the forest flourishes,the birds flourish.


Friday, November 18, 2016

I'll never forget the time

As my feet thumped on the ground, my lungs were collapsing and every chance I got, I was gasping for air, praying that it would over soon. My legs were screaming and my heart was hammering. The crowd around me was chanting hungrily,”RATA,RATA”. My ears were straining at the desperate screams of the crowd and my feet were dragging behind me. I breathed in and out, coughing and spluttering as I did so.

I rounded a corner,relieved to see that there was only about 100 metres to go. The crowd cheering me on made me go into a quick sprint. I ran and ran,keeping my eye on the prize,the finish line. My clothes were drenched in sweat and my socks felt like they had been swimming.

As the finish line was coming closer,my legs moved faster. I ran and ran as if my life depended on it. I couldn’t wait to get to the finish line but my thoughts wandered,”what if  someone was about to overtake me?,what if they canceled the race?,what if I had miscounted and I wasn’t coming third?”. I put my mental pedal down and I imagined I was running 100km per hour.
 My legs were nearly falling apart by the time I reached the red finish line. A teacher handed me a card with a big,bronze three on it.I hopped in the line as my heart was recovering from the wild ride. A great big grin spread across my face as my parents gave me the thumbs up sign. I felt warm inside and for once in the first time in my life,proud.😁

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Haunted house

In class for writing we are working on using short sentances and long sentances.
This story is carried on from a charles dickens short story.

I wandered towards the front door,the plants snatching,grabbing and scratching at my knees,the red paint on the door was peeling so badly,you wouldn’t even know it was painted,the door knob was golden with long scratch marks smothered all over it,I turned the knob halfway and it clicked straight away.

  Instantly a musty,stale sort of smell  smacked me in the face,making me stumble back towards the door,I grimaced as I looked around,ants,everywhere,crawling up the yellow/green wallpaper,sitting on the yellow stained fridge,running up the sticky oven. The floorboards creaked and squealed as I took every step,making me shiver at the very sound,I looked around,the couches looked like a moths punchbag and the coffee table had one leg missing and dead fly carcasses scattered all over it.

 I walked towards the rickety stairs,regret now settling in and releasing several stairs were missing. I hopped and skipped my way up,trying not to fall in the process. I managed my way to the top,wishing I could just run out of this house,far,far away,I walked towards the nearest door that had a red and black skull on it. I turned the black door knob but it wasn’t budging,I pulled the door and pushed flinging my whole body towards the door.

 The door flung open and I stumbled,slightly rolling forward.I gave a silent scream. A doll. Eyes open.Walking towards me.Pale faced.Mouth hanging open.I wanted to move but my legs were glued in place.I wanted to scream,but sound didn’t come. I wanted to go downstairs and call the police,but I couldn’t talk or walk. As if the doll had cursed me,the ground was coming into view and soon I was flat on my face, out cold.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Ko wai te toa?-who is the winner?

Today we did Te Reo and learnt about different sports names and how to pronounce them we also did a fun game, where you had to act out a sport and your team had to guess it in Te Reo maori.

He pai ki au te tenehi

He pai ki au te epa

He pai ki au te poitarawhiti

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Mayfly

The Mayfly

 The mayfly is a small insect, as little as it may sound, it has a big part in our rivers. The mayfly has existed for over 350 million years and is very special.Mayfly are one of the oldest winged insects on the planet.Many scientists have studied this aquatic insect and have given us this information.

The Mayfly is a very unusual and unique species. It has many interesting features. The mayfly is usually green but there are over 1500 species so there's probably a range of colours.It is usualy ½ to 1 inch in length and has two or three long tails. It also has two sets of wings.This insect is definitely original.The mayfly lives in rivers and can be found all over the world.

 The lifecycle of the mayfly unique is a way of transforming from a nymph to a spinner But however has an incomplete metamorphosis.The female lays the eggs on the surface of the water. They eventually sink to the bottom.The mayfly emerges from the water as a dull coloured dun.After a few hours of being on land it sheds it’s skin and turns into a brightly coloured  spinner. The mayfly breathes through it’s gills on it’s abdomen that look a bit like tubes.They get oxygen from collected water. The mayfly larvae mainly eats algae and collects it by grazing over stones and weeds.

 The Mayfly can not handle polluted waters. So the mayfly can only live in fresh clean rivers. So to help the mayfly we could move livestock away from the rivers to prevent further pollution. But you can also help in your own home as well by using biodegradable and environmentally friendly products.The mayfly is an important part of the food chain, for example the mayfly eats the algae and the frog eats the mayfly. If the mayfly disappears the food chain may suffer.   

  In conclusion the mayfly is a unique and wonderful insect that needs to be protected from pollution and chemicals.We need to protect our rivers and creatures living inside them. The mayfly has many unique features from two to three tails to eating algae. It truly is a fascinating creature.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Geese-team challenge

As each goose flaps its wings, it creates an ‘uplift’ for the birds that follow. By flying in a ‘V’ formation, the whole flock adds 71% extra flying range.
LESSON: People who share a sense of community can HELP each other get where they are going more easily - because they are travelling on the TRUST of one another.
THIS MEANS TO OUR GROUP They work together to get more power and be stronger,therefore working together.
When a goose falls out of formation it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying alone. It quickly moves back to take advantage of the lifting power of the birds in front.
LESSON: If we have as much sense as geese we stay in formation with those HEADED where we want to go. We are willing to accept their HELP and GIVE our help to others because they are travelling on the TRUST of one another.
THIS MEANS TO OUR GROUP We help and trust each other so we can go places and be the best we can be.
When the lead goose tires, it drops back into the formation and another goose flies to the point position.
LESSON: It pays to TAKE TURNS doing the hard tasks. We should RESPECT and PROTECT each other's unique arrangement of skills, capabilities, talents and resources.
THIS MEANS TO OUR GROUP We take turns and give each other a rest and we each play our own part.
The geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up with their speed.
LESSON: We need to make sure our honking is encouraging. In groups where there is encouragement, PRODUCTION is much greater. Individual empowerment results from QUALITY honking!!!
THIS MEANS TO OUR GROUP We need to encourage and help each other so we can accomplish tasks and get the best results.
When a goose gets sick, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it.
LESSON: If we have as much sense as geese we will STAND by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.
THIS MEANS TO OUR GROUP We support each other in our group when others are suffering.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Extending school by one hour

Dear the select committee

 I have heard that you are discussing extending the school day by one hour. I think this is a good idea but with a little bit of tweaking it would be a great idea. First of all by the time school ends the students will be hungry so it would be a great idea to have a afternoon break and maybe a snack. 7 hours of sitting down probably isn’t best for their young bones so an extra time in PE would be great and beneficial for the students.

  Not everyone will agree with an extra hour of school every day so I don’t think the extra hour of school should be used for work. If it was used for an extra hour of work, students will be tired. The extra hour should be used for something enjoyable and not to tiring. Students should get a choice on how they get to spend that extra hour. Like for example at Havelock North Intermediate we have electives, which I have noticed students enjoy very much.

  I hope these recommendations have come in use.
  Your sincerely Liberty

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

First day of electronics

How to get ready
1.Make a household emergancy plan.
2.Have emergancy survival items.
3.Have a getaway kit.

Our family would need 27 litres of water for three days.
2 x 15 litre bottles.
9 three litre milk bottles

I need a torch.
At electronics I am going to design and make an emergancy light.


In materials we designed and created our vans,we could choose from.
Ice cream truck
Flower shop
Surf shop

Friday, May 13, 2016

Balloon Writing

This week we had to write an advertisement about a balloon.I hope you enjoy the writing that Renee and I wrote.

The Super Balloon!

Want a balloon, have you got a party coming up, or do you just want one. Well then we have the product for you, the red stringed, pearly white super balloon!

 It can work as a flotation device, Incase there is a tsunami, or even worse, a bathtub overflow!This balloon is an essential need in your everyday life. Imagine how many life's you could save buying this balloon.All proceeds go to the unwanted balloon society.l personally don’t know, how any household has survived without the super balloon! This balloon also stars in an earthquake, it’ll absorb the damage if anything falls on you.

 Man!,what a lifesaver! Buy it today for only $99.99!

Call 111 111 111

Friday, April 15, 2016

Integer Project

In Extension maths we were asked to create a google slide about integers.In our presintation there is all you need to know about integers.I hope you learn something.

This is what we were asked to do.

1.  Adding and subtracting integers.

1.How to use a number line to work out an answer.
2.The rule.
3.Why it works.
4.Three examples including a real life Example.

2.    Multiplying and Dividing Integers

1.the rule
2.why it works
3. examples, including a real life example

Journal Entry: War

 I can’t believe it. Don’s gone, just like Fred Evans.He was too young to die,it wasn’t his time. I feel sick, this war is wrong just like waihi. I can still hear his words “Get down,you daft
beggars! Get down”. Little did he know it was a bomb.
 He lied to me,he was a scab, a blackleg,a traitor. How could he live his life lying to me? He was the one that made my Dad go to jail.Why would he lie to me,he had no reason to.I would have understood he probably had a family to feed.
If Only he was still here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

War in waihi

War in Waihi

  1. What did you already know about mining before reading this article?That They mine in the ground for gold.#
  2. Complete the   ‘somebody/wanted/but/so’   chart below:

Main players
What did he/they want?
What was the problem with wanting this?
What was the end result?
Better working conditions and better pay.#
The shareholders wanted to make profit.#
They didn’t get what they wanted.#
To make profit.#
The miners didn’t get what they wanted.#
They made profit.#
To not interfere.#
People wanted their help.#
Miners got fired.#
Engine Drivers
Keep working.#
The miners weren't working so they couldn’t work.#
New miners came in so they could carry on working.#
Federation of Labour
Support the miners.#
The shareholders wanted the miners to work.#
The shareholders got new workers.#
P. M. William Massey
The miners to work.#
The miners didn’t want to work.#
They got new workers in.#
Commissioner Cullen
He wanted to fight back to the miners.#
People ended up killed.#
They got new workers.#
Scabs(free Labourers)
To work.#
The miners wanted to get a pay rise.#
They ended up working.#
They wanted peace.#
The police weren't going to get that unless they worked hard.#
There was more fights.#
Fred Evans
He wanted a pay rise and better conditions.#
The fights.#
He got killed.#
Miners Families
They wanted more money and their family to come home.#
The fights and shareholders.#
They moved away.#
Mine manager
The miners wouldn’t work.#
They got new miners.#

3. What can you say about the way decisions were made in 1912?

The decisions weren't made wisley.#