Friday, April 15, 2016

Integer Project

In Extension maths we were asked to create a google slide about integers.In our presintation there is all you need to know about integers.I hope you learn something.

This is what we were asked to do.

1.  Adding and subtracting integers.

1.How to use a number line to work out an answer.
2.The rule.
3.Why it works.
4.Three examples including a real life Example.

2.    Multiplying and Dividing Integers

1.the rule
2.why it works
3. examples, including a real life example

Journal Entry: War

 I can’t believe it. Don’s gone, just like Fred Evans.He was too young to die,it wasn’t his time. I feel sick, this war is wrong just like waihi. I can still hear his words “Get down,you daft
beggars! Get down”. Little did he know it was a bomb.
 He lied to me,he was a scab, a blackleg,a traitor. How could he live his life lying to me? He was the one that made my Dad go to jail.Why would he lie to me,he had no reason to.I would have understood he probably had a family to feed.
If Only he was still here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

War in waihi

War in Waihi

  1. What did you already know about mining before reading this article?That They mine in the ground for gold.#
  2. Complete the   ‘somebody/wanted/but/so’   chart below:

Main players
What did he/they want?
What was the problem with wanting this?
What was the end result?
Better working conditions and better pay.#
The shareholders wanted to make profit.#
They didn’t get what they wanted.#
To make profit.#
The miners didn’t get what they wanted.#
They made profit.#
To not interfere.#
People wanted their help.#
Miners got fired.#
Engine Drivers
Keep working.#
The miners weren't working so they couldn’t work.#
New miners came in so they could carry on working.#
Federation of Labour
Support the miners.#
The shareholders wanted the miners to work.#
The shareholders got new workers.#
P. M. William Massey
The miners to work.#
The miners didn’t want to work.#
They got new workers in.#
Commissioner Cullen
He wanted to fight back to the miners.#
People ended up killed.#
They got new workers.#
Scabs(free Labourers)
To work.#
The miners wanted to get a pay rise.#
They ended up working.#
They wanted peace.#
The police weren't going to get that unless they worked hard.#
There was more fights.#
Fred Evans
He wanted a pay rise and better conditions.#
The fights.#
He got killed.#
Miners Families
They wanted more money and their family to come home.#
The fights and shareholders.#
They moved away.#
Mine manager
The miners wouldn’t work.#
They got new miners.#

3. What can you say about the way decisions were made in 1912?

The decisions weren't made wisley.#

Friday, April 1, 2016

ANZAC mini project

How were women involved in Gallipoli?
  When it was world war one everybody thought that a woman's place in war was home but the government soon agreed for women to work as nurses on the frontline to help the wounded soldiers.The nurses had to work with limited and equipment.Some of them didn’t go to war but did fundraising at home and even started some charities that are around today but remember they still had to do all the men's jobs while they were away!